Friday, February 23, 2007

Warsaw: here we come

Tomorrow I embark on a weekend of drinking and debauchery of the lowest order with 5 of my oldest friends. We are visiting Warsaw - a pack of cards and a couple of Zloty's in our pockets.
This may be the last time I write on this blog.


A snap from our last night out. We were celebrating Joe's successfull PhD defence and Rob's new post-doc position in Sweeden. Much beer consumed, Alex (taking the picture) had to assist me home. I know it looks like someone's living room, but this is one of St. Albans finest real ale pubs: The Farmer's Boy. It has it's own brewery and supplies the beer for that other Camera St. Albans favourite - The Lower Red Lion.

Answers to two questions from that night. It was Martha and the Muffins - not Martha and the Vandellas. And, it was, of course, the lovely Primitives.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Normal Weekend

Got brought up muffins & fried egg in bed. Wrote some code. Took son to swimming lessons. Made large red fire engine with all three boys. Got liberally covered with red paint. Parents brought over lunch. Lazed. Got beaten by son at Junior Monopoly. Bed-time routine. Played some guitar. Watched "Mock The Week" (nearly pissed myself laughing).
Got up. Muesli in bed. More code. Lunch. Family afternoon out: Roman museum, playground, park, ducks. Stew. Bed-time. Watched Clockwork Orange for the first time ...

... Shit, nearly normal.

Friday, February 02, 2007


Programming examples are rarely exciting or even interesting. They usually consist of various foo's and bar's being created and destroyed. That is why I like this from (link)

For example, the following code uses the find() function to determine how many times a user entered a certain word:

  map stringCounts;
string str;

while( cin >> str ) stringCounts[str]++;

map::iterator iter = stringCounts.find("spoon");
if( iter != stringCounts.end() ) {
cout << "You typed '" <<>first << "' " <<>second << " time(s)" <<>

When run with this input:

my spoon is too big.  my spoon is TOO big!  my SPOON is
TOO big! I am a BANANA!

...the above code produces this output:

You typed 'spoon' 2 time(s)
Indeed ...
PS be careful out there!