Friday, March 31, 2006


My Aibo, being extremely cute and playing Peek-a-boo with me. This may look like I am messing around with robots when I should be working, but amazingly this is my job. Well, I say "job", but the minuscule salary barely qualifies it as such.
Regardless, it is fun, intellectually challenging and above all not boring - more than can be said for my previous employment.
More to say on Aibos, interaction games and learning from experience on later posts.


lotek said...

Do you find that using AIBOs is better from a getting-robotic-groupies perspective compared to PeopleBots?

RoboGeek said...

PeopleBots are badly named: They don't look like people, act like people or indeed atract people - whatever their index of attractiveness.
Next time I am jet-setting to an international robotic event, I shall carry an Aibo around and, Ben Affleck-style, count on a clicker the number of attractive potential groupies that give me the eyes ...