Thursday, May 11, 2006

Ohh Vienna

OK, not lynched by my supervisor (yet). Instead (incredibly) asked to be a guest speaker at a symposium in Vienna organised by a group of robotics researchers from Kyoto University to improve their networking with European research.

This is great, but I now have to think of something to say. Also, I will probably miss England in the quarter-finals of the world-cup.

This now adds to my growing list of destinations for this year:

January - Genoa, Italy
February - Nice, France
April - Nijmegen, Netherlands
May - Bloomington, Indiana, USA
June - Vienna, Austria
July - Monte Verita, Switzerland
- Ventigmilia, Italian Riviera
September - Paris, France
October - Genoa, Italy

and I haven't included holidays. (Oxford, Rome and possibly Cornwall)

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