Thursday, July 20, 2006

Gentoo meltdown

At the most critical time - at the beginning of a 10 day programming summer school - gentoo let me down big time. I found that multicast wasn't working properly on my Dell X300 laptop, so I was going through a number of steps to try to resolve it, including udating my baselayout. This included an update to devfs which basically left my system unbootable. version 1.3.25-r8 of devfs has a bug leaving out the 2 crucial scripts that start and stop devfs. fixed in r9 of course, but the emerge --sync left me with r8. Nasty.

Of course this is resolvable by booting a liveCD, but I don't have a CD drive on my laptop - its at home. So, I have been - in the background while trying to keep up with a fast-moving school - been trying to get a USB stick bootable linux working. No luck so far.

To keep up with the school, I have been using cygwin on windows, which has many problems, but ironically, multicast is working.

anyway, more pictures here.
(PS - I love Piccassa !)

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