Friday, April 27, 2007

How the body shapes the way we think

It is one of the many perks of working in such an exciting field of research as robotics that I get to meet some of my real heros. But it is a rare privilege to be working in a project with one of the true geniuses of the field Prof. Rolf Pfeifer. Today I took delivery of his new and sure to be influential new book coauthored with the brilliant young scientist Josh Bongard.

How the body shapes the way we think should help to turn our idea of intelligence on its head and make us really understand how cognitive function of low and high order came about as part of the physical body and not separate from it as Descartes might have you believe. Embodied intelligence is not new thinking to be sure (just think of Messrs. Maturana and Varella) but the clear and fresh thinking, examples and experiments in this book should help to make more people take the message on board and stop trying to design intelligent systems and robots from a disembodied computational perspective.
buy it on Amazon

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