I've just looked back at my previous post, and it is weird ... a kind of schizo episode. It doesn't sound like me at all. I actually really like my current job, my colleagues are my friends and are all very nice and rather lovely. I don't have a traditional type boss at all, just someone who doesn't interfere, gives helpful advice when needed and signs all my expense claim forms without question.
If I look back on my previous job, even that wasn't as bad as I might have indicated. I had a lot of friends there and really wasn't pressured to do what I didn't want. The only reason I left was that it was time to move on lest my feet became rooted to the place.
So, please ignore my previous rant!!
Social misfit!
yr anti-current-job comments were noted and filed. you are therefore terminated, the peoplebots will escort you outside and attempt to beat you up when no-one is looking with their gesturing arms of doom. have a nice day.
- the management
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