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My memory is not what it used to be. This I know. Honestly I can't remember if it is better now
than before, but i think it was. Usually because I remember knowing something that I know I no longer know.
Anyway, I digress.
Today I've been cheating. I went to the internets, sacrificed a virtual hour of my actual time and asked the god google for an answer.
It was not forthcoming, needless to say.
The question was how to solve my Brain Twist puzzle. All I could find was links to the product and the statement that a hints booklet comes with the said product - much use that was, by the way.
I came this way via the wonderfully diverting "Dry Erase Board" (MSPaint -wow!) and am now speaking to the void. Great.
Oh, I nearly forgot. Why I mentioned my memory was that I recall very clearly being about 12 or 13 (that would be around 1979) and solving the original Rubik's cube all by my self. I promptly wrote down the solution and used some carbon copy paper my dad had to make a few copies which I gave to my friends.
So, how come I can't even cheat now let alone work it out for myself.
PS - I solved it :)
It was easy when you know the trick. That is that you need to know which order the colours need to be in and work from there.
The hint that helped was on wikipedia (of course) and it says that:
"It can only be solved if (facing the red face in stellated form) the Blue, LightGreen, and Yellow faces are proceed clockwise in that order (BLY)"
With that I did it in just 5 minutes.
I could never do it. My best efforts resulted in one completed side.
I don't even know what 'stellated' means.
Many congratulations on valiantly defending your viva, Herr Dr Mirza!
Weather in England=abysmal++. Boy did you ever do the right thing.
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