25% Extra Free

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Location: United Kingdom

half-man, half-geek

Friday, March 31, 2006

Bright Zig-zag lines in my eyes

(now I know why people have blogs - where else would you say this ...)

I have just had a wierd episode (that I have experienced before, but never did anything about) where I had very bright neon-like zig-zag lines appearing in my vision. These are very distracting and usually go after a while, leaving me a little nauseous.

Now, I thought I'd try and find out what it was, and it appears that it is a form of Migrane, but without the headache, called Opthalmic Migrane.

Let me know if you have the same thing, or have a better explanation ...


My Aibo, being extremely cute and playing Peek-a-boo with me. This may look like I am messing around with robots when I should be working, but amazingly this is my job. Well, I say "job", but the minuscule salary barely qualifies it as such.
Regardless, it is fun, intellectually challenging and above all not boring - more than can be said for my previous employment.
More to say on Aibos, interaction games and learning from experience on later posts.

Being 2

If you want a purple house, all you have to do is draw: On the sofa, on the kitchen cupboards, on the dining table, on the walls, on your brother ....

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