Seems to be a kind of threshold for me, but as soon as I listen to a track 6 times in a row, I have the urge to spread the word. But, in this case it really is not necessary.
I was hooked on my first listen last week on Radio 1. Clearly, the fact it was a daily play track on the biggest station in the country means that I'm not the first person to have fallen in love with Scroob's infectious lyrics and vocal delivery. Nevertheless, if you do fancy hearing a white rapper from Essex, dressed in a suit with a full, almost ZZ-Top or Mad Mullah beard, splice keenly chosen lyrics into a background of blips and beeps out of an old-school gameboy-type soundtrack, then you could do a lot worse than clicking here.
The lyrics speak of not deifying Crass, Minor Threat, the Beatles or Led Zeppelin, the genius of Stephen Fry, the sanctity of the Four Elements, the evil of Coke, Nestle and the NME, and the hypocrisy of our evaluation of value/newsworthy-ness of human life based on whether they speak English or not. In case you think it is just political, you'd be wrong - he get's passionate about music, girls and rejection there too.
This, in a word, Kills.
dammit, i need to educate you once again -
(listen to "unWired")
avantgarde hiphop:
(listen to"paragraphs relentless")
it-will-kill-everything-you-love white hiphop:
(listen to "politicians and paedophiles")
and finally,
white hiphop:
(****load of stuff to follow-up from this node)
I bow to your sprawling musical tentacles that reach under the darkest dampest rocks to reveal what we have dismissed before we even find it.
Nerdcore: (MC Router) Loved it - 8 bit Bitch especially.
Dalek: Mostly crap, but as you say "paragraphs relentless" was indeed worth a listen.
As for the rest (and to some extent Dalek) it didn't really get me going.
My main objection is that I don't really like hip-hop unless it is exceptional, or if it has something to say to ME. That is a lot easier if the MC is from my back yard. Hence why I like Scroob, but not some obscure West Coast rap outfit. MC Router (the first lady of Nerdcore) however, does push my buttons, cos' I'm one (nerd) and we nerd's especially like (hot) nerd-chicks.
(Sorry, I regressed).
tsk, tsk, tsk ... you are missing the point!
... oh, and since we're exploring the outer regions of hiphop, i almost forgot
now, that is relative to my interests (rofl)
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