Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Glorious May Bank Holiday

Well, it all seemed so nice on Friday when we arrived. BBQ on the go, beer and wine flowing, happy kids. Saturday was even nice enough for the kids to enjoy the forrest play area (see Giant Squirrel below). But, then that good old British institution known as the May Bank Holiday, played its usual tricks. The weather turned from 25degrees on Thursday to 6degrees on Sunday with persistent heavy rain and wind. Absolutely horrid. The low point was getting a phone call while we were in the pub telling us that our tent had collapsed in the wind. Not fun. On the plus side, the bedroom compartments and all our clothes and food stayed dry.

Among the highlights were the BBQ (total success, no one killed) and the poker evening (finished joint 1st - well, OK second).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Much better.